Affiliate Marketing

Real Synthetic offers a unique opportunity for influencers to join our affiliate marketing program. This awards them the opportunity to earn both sales commission and/or discounted prices to acquire our products.

For existing partners, our dashboard can be found here.


  1. Process: Approved influencers can create ads for our brand and earn sales commission. They can also purchase jewelry, create content featuring it, and share a unique referral link provided by us.
  2. Commission: Influencers receive a 15% commission on sales generated through their referral link.
  3. Refund: Additionally, influencers can earn a refund based on the number of new visitors to our site through their link, earning back 10% for every 100 unique site visits.
  4. Free Products: In special circumstances, we will send products to qualifying influencers free of charge to use for promotions. This can be negotiated based on the influencer's reach and how well they fit our advertising needs.
  5. Terms & Conditions: Approval required, commission and refund eligibility periods, content guidelines, and compliance with program rules and legal regulations apply.


The following steps apply for influencers, brand ambassadors, affiliate marketers and other parties (hereafter referred to as “influencers”) that have been approved to make marketing or promotional content for our brand:

  1. The influencer may purchase any jewelry from our site and get it delivered to their address.
  2. Once they receive their chosen jewelry, they may make content with it and upload it to social media or any other appropriate platform.
  3. We will send them a unique referral link to include in their post, which will be able to track how many visitors arrive at our site directly from the influencer’s link.
  4. The influencer will receive a 15% commission on all sales (excluding tax, discounts and shipping) that are made on our site by customers who arrive from the unique referral link.
  5. The influencer will receive a refund on their purchase price (excluding shipping) based on the number of different visitors that visit our site through the link (even if they do not make a purchase) - the following rates apply: for every 100 new visitors that arrive at our site through the referral link, a 10% refund will be earned on the purchase price. This percentage applies proportionally, meaning a proportional refund will be processed for visitor amounts that are less than 1000 (for example, a 3.5% refund can be earned for an additional 35 visitors even if the full 100 is not reached)

Alternatively, the influencer may choose to promote our brand without the need to purchase any products, and may therefore qualify for sales commission only.

The following terms and conditions apply:

  • The influencer must be approved in writing by one of our team members before they will qualify for participating in our ambassador program.
  • The 15% commission will be active for a period of 3 months (90 days) following the initial posting of content that includes our referral link.
  • Sales that result in chargebacks or cancellations (whether before or after the end of the expiry period) are not eligible for commission. Only legitimate and final sales will qualify for commission.
  • The 10% refund rule will be eligible for a period of 4 months (120 days) following the delivery of the order to the influencer.
  • The eligible refund value is capped at $200, and no amount paid over and above this by the influencer will qualify for a refund. This limit may only be extended with the explicit approval in writing of one of our team members. Influencers may apply for a raised limit if they provide us with a comprehensive plan and forecast for the expected reach of their content.
  • All commission payments owing to the influencer will be made at the end of each month until the end of the expiry period - The refund payment will be made at the end of the expiry period OR when 100% refund has been unlocked (whichever comes sooner) - Payment will be processed within 2 business days after it becomes due.

The influencer may make content promoting our brand in any format they deem fit - However, the following limitations apply:

  • The influencer must refrain from posting content that portrays our brand and affiliates negatively or slanders our name. This includes any statements, images, or actions that could harm our reputation.
  • The influencer should avoid sharing content that is: sexually explicit, or promotes hate speech, violence, or harm. All content should align with our brand values and maintain a positive and inclusive tone.
  • Influencers are expected to engage with followers and other relevant parties respectfully. Disparaging comments or aggressive behavior towards others, whether affiliated with our brand or not, are not permitted.
  • Influencers should disclose their relationship with our brand when promoting our products. Transparency fosters trust among followers and ensures compliance with advertising standards.
  • Influencers must adhere to local and international laws and regulations, including but not limited to those related to advertising, data protection, and intellectual property.
  • Influencers should not disclose confidential or proprietary information about our brand, products, or future plans. This includes unreleased products, marketing strategies, or any sensitive business information.
  • All content shared by influencers should meet a certain quality standard. Blurry images, poorly edited videos, or content that doesn't reflect well on our brand's aesthetics may be subject to review.
  • Influencers are encouraged to communicate regularly with our brand team. This ensures they stay updated on any changes in policies or campaigns and helps maintain a collaborative relationship.
  • If applicable, influencers should adhere to any predefined exclusivity agreements that prevent them from promoting or endorsing competing brands during their tenure with our brand.
  • Influencers may not exploit this program in any way to benefit themselves at the expense of Real Synthetic, including, but not limited to, using means such as fictitious link visits, bot-generated site visits, fraudulent purchases that result in chargebacks or cancellations, cookie manipulation, false reporting, failure to perform content creation duties and excessive refund requests. Violation of this rule will result in an immediate termination of the ambassador partnership, as well as fully absolving Real Synthetic from any liability (whether past, current or future) in relation to all commission and refunds in terms of the agreement with the influencer. Additionally, we reserve the right to take further legal action against any party that violates this rule.
  • In the case that any of the above rules are violated, each violation will be reviewed by our team, and the resulting consequences may range from a warning to a termination of the ambassador partnership, depending on the severity and recurrence of the breach.