How to Care for Your Jewelry to Make it Last Longer - Real Synthetic

How to Care for Your Jewelry to Make it Last Longer

Have you ever been in the situation where you recently bought a cute pair of earrings from the local market, only to find in dismay just weeks later that your cherished possession has become completely overgrown with ugly, brown, rusty patches?

Have you ever bought a special necklace for your loved one, only for the clasp to fall apart before they even get the chance to use it?

Have you ever inherited a precious family heirloom, but it has lost its sparkle to the point where you are afraid to wear it, degrading its condition even further?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above, then you can certainly attest to how frustrating it is when your new jewelry is wrecked long before its befitting expiry date.

In this article, we explain some of the common problems that can arise for jewelry-wearers, and provide tips on how to maximise the sparkle of your precious jewels by preventing any damage and degradation.

What Can Go Wrong With Your Jewelry?

Jewelry, as cherished as it is, can often succumb to various issues, leaving wearers disappointed and disheartened. From tarnishing metals to lost gemstones, the list of potential problems is vast.

Many of these issues are related to the quality of the jewelry. These are factors that you cannot control, other than abstaining from buying the poor quality pieces. For example, if your jewelry is made only of copper without protective plating, it will tarnish very quickly. If your jewelry is cheaply put-together during its production, it will be fragile and break easily.

However, there are steps you can take to delay or prevent these dreaded scenarios from unfolding. With appropriate care, you can extend the life of any jewelry, no matter its origin.

Let's delve deeper into some of these common woes:

  1. Tarnishing and Discoloration: One of the most prevalent issues with jewelry is tarnishing. Exposure to air, moisture, and even the natural oils on your skin can cause metals like copper or silver to oxidize, leading to a dull, discolored appearance.

  2. Loose Stones: Inadequate settings or wear and tear can result in loose gemstones. This not only affects the aesthetics but also increases the risk of losing the precious stones entirely.

  3. Broken Chains and Clasps: Chains and clasps, especially in necklaces and bracelets, are prone to breakage. A broken chain not only renders the piece unwearable but can also lead to loss if the jewelry falls off unnoticed.

  4. Scratches and Dents: Even the hardest gemstones can get scratched, especially when worn daily or in situations where they come into contact with rough surfaces. Similarly, metals can dent, altering the shape and appearance of the jewelry.

  5. Fading or Worn-out Plating: Jewelry with a plating can lose its luster over time. The thin layer of metal applied to the surface wears off, revealing the base metal beneath, giving the jewelry an unpolished and worn-out look. That is why we coat all of our jewelry with double the standard amount of plating to prevent it wearing off.

How Can You Prevent Jewelry Damage?

Now that we understand the potential pitfalls, let’s explore practical and easy-to-implement ways that you can care for your jewelry, ensuring it stands the test of time:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Clean your jewelry gently and regularly with mild soap, warm water, and a soft brush. For delicate gemstones, consider using a soft, lint-free cloth. Remember to immediately wipe your jewelry dry with a soft cloth after washing, to prevent water spots or soap residue getting left behind.

  2. Proper Storage: Store each piece separately in a soft pouch or a jewelry box with compartments to prevent scratching and tangling. We offer jewelry boxes in our "accessories" collection for your convenience. In addition, consider using anti-tarnish strips to reduce tarnishing. These are thin pieces of fabric on which you can lay jewelry, to absorb pollutants from the air and prevent tarnishing.

  3. Avoid Chemical Exposure: Remove jewelry before swimming, cleaning, or applying makeup and lotions. Chemicals in these substances can damage both metals and gemstones.

  4. Professional Maintenance: Have your jewelry professionally inspected and cleaned periodically. Jewelers can identify potential issues and fix them before they worsen.

  5. Consider Your Activities: Be mindful of wearing jewelry during activities where it might get damaged, like sports or heavy physical work. Remove jewelry before engaging in such activities to prevent accidents.

  6. Regular Wear: Surprisingly, wearing your jewelry can keep it in better condition. The natural oils in your skin can help prevent tarnishing, keep it clean and preserve its brilliance, so don’t hesitate to flaunt your favorite pieces.

By following these tips and being mindful of your jewelry’s well-being, you can enjoy your precious adornments for years to come, passing them down as cherished heirlooms. Stay tuned for our future installments, where we will delve deeper into specific care routines for different types of jewelry.

With a little love and care, your jewelry can last a lifetime.

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